Tuesday, November 22, 2016


So, many colleges have been using social media to keep their institutes informed of what's current on campus and to recruit new students.  Here is some advice to colleges that are using social media to keep followers informed:

Using new media an educational institution has to be careful as to what information they  release via social media.  You have to be certain of what message you want to convey to your readers since words and ideas can be misunderstood.  Not to mention you can be sued, who wants that?  The college also has to be careful with the security of their passwords so that no one hacks the college's social media accounts.  You want to reach followers through using pictures and captive vocabulary that will retain a followers attention. Followers love exciting news and visual stimulation.  You want to keep them coming back. I would use a media platform that I know would reach the students effectively.  Most college students are on Facebook, Twitter and now the trending Snap Chat. It's effective for the college to hire a social media team that can manage the output of information and pictures that they would like their followers to view.  It isn't difficult to captive the viewer's attention with words and pictures. Keep it current and exciting!

1 comment:

  1. BC needs some big upgrades! !!! Their social game is way off!
