Friday, October 21, 2016

TWITR:Blog About Twitter

Blogging, Tweeting and having in class discussion all have their advantages in regards to getting your point across.  I prefer both Tweeting and in-class conversations because of the immediate interactions although they each have their disadvantages.  Looking at Twitter, and now blogging more frequently along with the interaction with some classmates below are my observations of some of the pros and cons.

Pros to Twitter: 
> Direct contact quicker access with your followers and even celebrities
> You can post videos, pictures, links to other websites and follow popular hashtags
> Millions of followers on Twitter

Cons to Twitter:
> Limitations of only 140 characters per tweet
> Over exposure

Pros to blogging:
> One view, of the writer
> Allows for the followers to leave feedback from your post or other comments
> Can post links to other websites for reference

Cons to blogging:
> Most of the content is only from the writer
> Longer wait for response
> Not a direct response like Twitter or in person
> Comments cannot be re-posted like Twitter conversations can
> Not so many people will respond or comment on blog topics

Pros to in-class discussions:
> Engaging of all students with participation from the professor
> Live reactions to suggestions and comments
> Sharing information of websites and other resources
> Opportunities to ask many questions and have them responded to accurately

Cons to in-class discussions:
> They can drag for hours
> Your discussions can go off topic
> You're not as liberated to say what you really want in a class setting

Some people are not comfortable communicating in a certain platform, therefore I recommend using whatever method works best for the individual.


  1. An interesting con that you wrote about is overexposure. A lot of times the public sours on celebrities who have tweeted something that a section of the public does not agree with.

  2. Another con about twitter is that current events, politics, movies, and television shows are always being discussed in some way and if you’re focusing on the current trends that are happening on the platform you can become really distracted from what’s going on in front of you.
